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Yilan Management Office

Yilan Management Office


Water resources management

Water Quality Management

The office has set up water quality monitoring points in accordance with regulations along approximately 3,300km of irrigation and drainage canals under its jurisdiction to better understand water quality information and reduce the flow of pollutants into the agricultural production environment.

Regular Water Quality Monitoring

To enhance the frequency and scope of irrigation water quality monitoring, this office has established water quality monitoring points in representative areas within irrigation facilities, in accordance with the Operational Guidelines for Irrigation Water Quality Inspection by the Ministry of Agriculture's Irrigation Agency. These monitoring points are linked to local irrigation groups to effectively track overall irrigation water quality through long-term monitoring.

Water Quality Sampling and Educational Training

The water quality sampling and monitoring must adhere to the irrigation water quality standards outlined in the Regulations for Management of Farmland Irrigation and Drainage Facilities. As such, this office sends personnel to participate in training courses on irrigation water quality sampling and sample management procedures. Additionally, staff from various workstations are required to attend the "Preliminary Test of Irrigation Water Quality and Dissolved Oxygen Testing Technique Training Course," commissioned by the Irrigation Agency and conducted by the Agricultural Engineering Research Center. This ensures that each water sampling and preliminary test (e.g., temperature, pH value, electrical conductivity) accurately reflects the conditions of the actual water sources and irrigation channels. For more complex tests, such as those involving heavy metals, the Taoyuan and Shihmen Management Offices, which have dedicated water quality laboratories, are commissioned to conduct the relevant inspections.

Water Quality Testing Operations (Sampling)
Preliminary Test of Water Sample
Last Updated2024/11/05